Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Dr. Maurice Roussety – Why Business Always Takes Place in the Future

Getting up every morning, getting ready, and then heading into work is one of the only experiences that everyone in the United States over a certain age share. The daily routine of working in order to contribute to society is typically measured on a daily or weekly basis: only a few more days until Friday or a few more weeks until my next vacation. As you travel further up the corporate ladder, you find that individuals are looking beyond the day-to-day tasks of the office. Managers are thinking about scheduling months in advance, documents need to be prepared, processes set in motion. Executives are thinking in terms of years, strategizing how to expand their markets over time or establish their business overseas. It pays to look towards the future in business because it ultimately saves time and money, two things that all companies thrive on. That is why the professional world is so desperate for qualified consultants that can broaden their perspectives on their own industries and businesses.

Dr. Maurice Antoine Roussety (on Vimeo) is not only an academic expert on finance and marketing, he is also an accomplished entrepreneur in his own right. He holds an undergraduate degree from Monash University in Economics. A Masters of Business Administration and Masters of Leadership from the University of New England in New South Wales, as well as a Ph.D. in intellectual property and franchise-business valuation from Griffith University in Queensland. In addition, Dr. Roussety has worked as a consultant with a number of businesses, helping them to understand the modern market and anticipate where their company could potentially be in the future.

According to Dr. Roussety, the time is ripe for a resurgence in the franchising sector. For generations, franchising has been an option for aspiring business owners who wanted to enter the world of business but did not have the resources to do so on their own. They are an important part of global economies. In fact, in Australia franchises generate revenues in excess of $144 billion and directly employ more than 460,000 Australians through over a thousand different franchise systems.

Dr. Maurice Roussety (on CrowdRise) believes that the effects of globalization on modern economies means that it is harder than ever for new businesses to establish themselves. A much better option is to rely on a parent company for their goodwill and reputation as an important driving force in attracting and retaining customers.

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